TradingLite Next Private Test
Since last time we talked about the Next version, we've been working hard on improvements to TradingLite's infrastructure. Capturing, storing and transferring terabytes of data on a daily basis is a big challenge, but one in which we improve upon with each iteration.
Three weeks back we started our first private testing with a select group of users who have contributed in the past.
After hunting down and fixing some of the biggest initial issues, we've reached a stage where it's becoming stable enough to expand to more users.
Thanks to our first private test with the few selected lucky users, we managed to identify and fix around 70+ bugs. As stated in previous post, Next version has been rebuilt from ground-up, so our current focus is to ensure that all the fundamental features are working as intended. Given this, we are yet to release a list of all the new features we added.
We've been working on this in secret for a really long time and we're really close to expanding our testing to the public.
Would you like to PARTICIPATE in the test ?
We still have a limited number of spots available for this private testing phase. If you'd like to participate, simply fill in the survey below. Providing you response is detailed, and you meet our criteria, you might just receive an invite!
You can find the link here:
Survey Link
If you don't receive an invite for the private test, please do not be discouraged. We value all feedback. All of those who respond will be noted, giving you an increased likelihood of being invited to future tests.