The Holy Trinity
Scroll down to changelog to see today's update

TradingLite has always been about 3 important key elements: the charts, the platform and the data. Now, instead of focusing on TradingLite as one giant monolith, we've decided to split our focus in 3 different categories.
(Everything mentioned here is still work in progress)
New Charting library
We've been rewriting our chart library completely from scratch in order to provide us an even slicker framework to work with.
This new version is aimed to support multiple charts and server-side scripts, and it is more stable, performant and memory optimized than ever!
The core functionality is done, and we've even included Log and Percentage scaling!
Standalone chart
We also thought that perhaps other people would find interest in our chart tech, so we've been developing a standalone version in parallel with this new one.
The standalone charts are not ready yet, but we're interested to know what kind of features you'd like to see us implement there.
Got a few fresh ideas? Hit us up on Discord.
After all these months, our roadmap has been taking a clear shape of what we see as the ultimate user experience.
We managed to integrate some of these ideas in the current live version of TradingLite, but others require some fundamental core changes that would make it hard to integrate into our existing platform.
This new platform is being developed with flexibility and customization in mind, and it'll help us greatly with our future updates.
We're already at our third iteration for our backend infrastructure, and we're happy that it has proven to be very stable compared to our previous versions. During the development, we found many new and exciting ways that we could improve it even further, so we already started on the next version.
For the past 2 months, we've been hard at work developing this new infrastructure, and so far it is the closest to Public Release.
What does Public Release mean?
Well, many users have requested an API-only plan from our platform, and with this, we'll finally be able to provide you with the data you've always been craving for.
Our roadmap
We don't share our roadmaps often, but this new holy trinity update will take time so it's best you guys know where our focus lies.
Current TradingLite will still receive updates, new pairs or exchanges, but our main focus will be the following:
New Chart
- Core functionality is done
- In some aspects it is already superior to our current Chart but in others it's still lagging behind
- We have an unannounced project planned that we'll release to our Early Access users, which will make use of our new Charting library
New Platform
- This one is still at an early stage, but our current goal is to first bring it to the same level as the current platform
- We'll do a alpha test for all our EA users just like the last time, and once everything is proven to be stable we'll move on to replacing current live TradingLite platform with this new version
- Once this new version is live, we'll focus on new fancy features
- The infrastructure is almost ready
- What's missing:
- Ready it up for public use
- Basic documentation
- Examples to get you started
- New API-only plan
- We will launch an early testing phase for all our Early Access users to make sure everything is working properly
End note
We're glad that everything has been running nice and stable for the last few weeks, this gave us the opportunity to focus on more important internal changes and plan our new roadmap.
Once again, thank you for supporting us during these desolate times. You guys are truly wonderful!
Changes & Fixes
- Nano options popup for drawings behavior improved
- Measure tool time duration formatting improved (no more microwave time format)
- LitScript: Fixed
option not being taken in account
- Heatmap: Tweaked min/peak values on a few pairs.